Xpressway is an FKEY (meaning is is invoked by typing a keyboard combination) which allows you to quickly transfer to and from your favorite applications in seconds, bypassing the finder. With Xpressway, you add in the applications you would like Xpressway to keep track of, from any folder on any disk, and when you wish to transfer to one of them, you simply double–click on its icon.
The unique features Xpressway has over other similar programs is that Xpressway allows you to install your favorite applications for quick transfering without digging through folders to find them, and the interface used in Xpressway mimics the Finder.
Xpressway was made for people who do NOT run under MultiFinder. It allows you to have the quick launching capabilities of the Finder without taking up all the Memory that MultiFinder does, and you don’t have to dig through folders to get to your applications as you do in the Finder.
Xpressway works with any Macintosh.
There may be a few applications which Xpressway does not allow you to transfer to. This is not a fault of Xpressway, these applications were improperly written. Give your applications a try to see if they work.
How To Install Xpressway
Xpressway if an FKEY, and thus must be installed in the System File on all of the disks you wish to use it from. Use an application such as FKEY Mover, FKEY Manager, or ResEdit to install Xpressway. Or if you are running under Suitcase or Font/DA Juggler Plus, consult the documentation for that program to see how to use FKEYs with it.
Next you must place the Xpressway File in the System Folder on every disk you installed the Xpressway FKEY. Then you’re done, have a beer.
Using Xpressway
To invoke Xpressway, hold down the Command (Apple on new Macs) and Shift keys and type a 0 (zero). If you changed Xpressway’s number, type that number instead of a zero. A window will appear with a blank frame and several buttons on the right. Here are the buttons and what they do:
OPEN: This causes Xpressway to transfer to the application you have selected. If you have no application selected, this command in dimmed.
FINDER: This button cause Xpressway to return you immeadiately to the Finder.
OTHER: This button allows you to transfer to an application which you do not have installed in Xpressway.
ADD: This button allows you to add applications to Xpressway. The Add dialog box will continue appearing, allowing you to add more applications, until you click on the Cancel button.
REMOVE: This button removes the selected application from Xpressway.
As a shortcut, double–clicking on an application‘s icon will launch it.
Miscelaneous Notes
If the Xpressway File is not in your current System Folder, Xpressway will just beep when it is invoked.
Xpressway if being distributed in a unique manner. I would like to thank everyone out there who generously registered for my other shareware programs. So Xpressway is absolutely free if you have registered for ANY programs I have written. If you have not registered for any of my programs, now is your chance! Xpressway cost $10, so if you use it, please send in the requested fee to me.
A Fond Farewell
The reason for releasing Xpressway in manner I chose is this: I will no longer be publishing major shareware products, at least not in the near future. I feel an obligation to everyone who has supported me thus far; to provide a reward, and to explain what I am doing. I am joining a team of Macintosh programmers to write high quality applications for a company called Preferred Software, which is leaping full steam ahead into the Macintosh market. If you liked my shareware products, just wait ’till you see the commercial ones! I can’t say much about them yet, but suffice it to say that you’ll be pleasantly impressed. Look for vastly improved versions of Easy Envelopes, To Do!, Xpressway, and others… and of course we will provide registered users of my shareware products with an upgrade path to the commercial products.